The Dhaka Times
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The country's largest mosque is being built in Bashundhara

The Dhaka Times Desk The country's largest mosque is being built in the capital's Bashundhara. This beautiful mosque is planned to be built in Bashundhara residential area of the capital.

The country's largest mosque-1

Dhaka has always been called the city of mosques. Many mosques have been built in this capital over the ages. Baitul Mukarram National Mosque in the capital is one of these mosques. But there are many mosques of the Sultanate period which are famous not only in the capital but also in different parts of the country as a sign of ancient architecture. These mosques in our country have been carrying a special tradition for ages. These mosques include the sixty-domed mosque of Hap in Bagh, Bagha mosque and many other mosques are witnesses of the times of this country.

In the Bashundhara residential area of the capital, a plan has been taken to build a mosque which will be the largest mosque in the country!

The country's largest mosque-2

It is known that the Bashundhara authorities have taken the initiative to build the mosque with a completely different craft and architectural style with the financing of the Bashundhara Group. Sayem Sobhan, managing director of Bashundhara Group, laid the foundation stone of this mosque yesterday at 10 am on Friday morning. The famous Mufti of the country, Islamic thinker Maulana Abdur Rahman led the prayer at the foundation stone laying ceremony.

It is known that this mosque is being built on 7 bigha land. Each floor will have an area of 1 lakh 25 thousand square feet. It is believed that hundreds of thousands of worshipers can pray together in this multi-storey mosque.

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