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Know the negative physical effects of lack of sleep

The Dhaka Times Desk These days there are more chances of not getting good sleep. Today we will present to the readers some of the problems caused by lack of good sleep, which you need to know.


1. If you do not sleep well, the risk of cancer increases, especially breast and prostate cancer. According to the WHO, lack of good sleep causes the body's carcinogens to not function properly, resulting in abnormal cell growth.

2. If you want to lose weight, you can't sleep well. Good sleep leads to satiety in food.

3. If you don't sleep well, the body's inflammation increases. Physical restlessness increases.

4. Lack of sleep increases mental depression or depression. Lack of sleep directly affects the brain thus causing depression. Sometimes it leads to suicide.

5. Without good sleep, one's own emotional control is disrupted. People who sleep well can control themselves very easily.


6. When sleep is reduced, the immune system of the body is also reduced. As a result, a person becomes infected with the pathogen very quickly.

7. The risk of diabetes increases due to lack of sleep because it blocks insulin production in the body. Medical reports say that lack of sleep can lead to type-2 diabetes in a person's body.

8. When you don't get enough sleep, your skin loses the cortisol hormone. As a result, it will have a more devastating effect on your body, breaking down the collagen in your skin cells. As a result, your skin will be completely damaged.

9. Researchers have found that if you don't get good sleep, the brain will have silly thoughts. A good night's sleep keeps the brain alive and thus removes bad thoughts.

10. People who sleep less than 6 hours a night have a shorter life expectancy than people who sleep more than six hours. As a result, it is understood that good sleep increases life.


11. Lack of sleep reduces the effectiveness of the medicine. Doctors say, if you sleep less than seven hours while taking the medicine, then the effect of the medicine does not work in the body.

12. Lack of sleep causes the body's metabolism to release hormones that can one day become as serious as a heart attack.

13. Without a good night's sleep, everything will seem confusing to you. You may think you are functioning properly but no you are suffering from delusions that you cannot catch. It will destroy your performance.

14. The main cause of high blood pressure is lack of good sleep. Less than 6 hours of sleep increases a person's risk of stroke. This will increase your physical weakness. Your heartbeat will be irregular.

15. Lack of sleep increases bone loss. This will cause chronic pain in your body.


Lack of sleep or lack of sleep can lead to many other physical symptoms, including decreased brain power, decreased creativity, and increased risk of accidents while driving.

Reference: List25

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