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10 tips for a healthy mind and body

The Dhaka Times Desk If the health is not good, the mind is not good. Many of us know this. But we do not know how to keep mind and body healthy. Today 10 tips to keep mind and body healthy are presented to you.

10 tips to stay healthy

These tips apply to everyone. But those who are over forty need to pay more attention to them. If you want to keep your body fit, you have to follow some rules. A healthy body leads to a peaceful life.

Let's find out 10 tips:

1. Wake up every morning and walk for at least half an hour.

2. Be sure to sit straight while sitting. Whenever you sit in a chair, sit straight and not slouched.

10 tips to stay healthy-২

3. Chew food well while eating. By doing this, the digestive process is correct - the food is properly digested.

4. Try to eat less sugary foods. Because sweet food makes the body fat.

5. Eat more green vegetables and fruits.

10 tips to stay healthy-৩

6. Take a bath before going to bed on a hot day. Bathing at night improves sleep.

7. It is better to wear loose clothes before going to bed at night. In it, every organ of the body can carry out respiration through the pores.

8. Pay special attention to the hair. Because hair is a symbol of beauty. Use herbal shampoo once a week if possible.

9. Meditate for at least 10 to 15 minutes every day. It will bring peace of mind. The mind will also be good.

10. Keep yourself away from anger. Speak in such a way that no one gets hurt.

Also try to do your housework yourself. Because being busy is good for both body and mind. So stay busy as much as possible. Then both body and mind will be good. Follow the rules and live a healthy and beautiful life.

Photo: Courtesy of

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