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Humans determine the motion state of a moving object with the retina of the eye, not the brain

The Dhaka Times Desk We can walk on the road because our ideas about which direction to go while walking on the road or how the speed of a car passing in front of us can create a rational consciousness in the brain.


But neuroscientists say that much of the processing of such sensations begins in the retina of the eye. According to researchers, the retina of our eye contains many cells that are used to determine the direction and speed of various moving objects in front of the eye. His arrangement of retinal cells in the eye with the brain demonstrates that retinal cells are an important part of the brain's control system. Dr. said these words. Sebastian Siang is a computational neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. In response to the question of how these retinal cells are related to each other. Sebastian said the researchers used a powerful electron microscope to analyze the study. Where it can be seen that there are about 2200 retinal cells in the eye. In addition, the researchers organized an online game called 'Citizen Science' in which gamers had to find out how the brain communicates with retinal cells. Through this, the researchers wanted to create a map of the brain.


Gamers of this game are able to figure out a relationship between the brain and the retina. They were able to show that there is a communication system between the retina and the deep part of the brain, similar to a high power electrical wiring system. The researchers were later able to draw a diagram of the brain mapping using this system. The reconstructed map shows that a type of bipolar cell in the eye makes connections with amacrine cells in the brain. Information from the photoreceptors in the ganglion cells of the eye is transmitted to the amacrine cells in the brain via bipolar cells. Through this, we send about 70 percent of the information we see in the real world to the brain. Cells are connected to each other like the filaments of an electric lamp.

This relationship of the brain's amacrine cells to the bipolar cells of the eye allows us to calculate the time variation of a moving object through the eye. Which works much like instant messaging. Variations in distance and speed of objects moving through the eye give our brains an approximation of time. As a result we can calculate the distance and speed of the vehicle while crossing the road. Or we can determine the position of the hand in catching while playing cricket. The signal received by the eye hits two different locations on the retina with a slight time difference. The two places are called Rod and Koon. As a result, when a person sees a moving object in front of his eyes, his feelings are sent to the amacrine cells of the brain at the same time. With this discovery, researchers understand how the brain determines motion because this field actually takes place in the eye, not the brain. Basically this determination of the eye is stimulated in the brain.

Reference: Times of India

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