The Dhaka Times
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Munshiganj launch sinking: 47 bodies recovered: Relatives have complained of missing persons

The Dhaka Times Desk 47 dead bodies have been recovered so far in Munshiganj launch sinking incident. Meanwhile, the relatives of the missing have complained of missing the body.

Munshiganj launcher carrying-১

It is known that many people are still missing in the Ghazaria launch boat in Munshiganj. Meanwhile, the relatives of the missing persons are complaining about missing bodies. They claimed that there were more than 300 passengers in the MV Mirage-4 launch. However, the administration is saying that there were only one to 150 passengers in the launch.

Meanwhile, the rescue operation was announced by B IWTA at around 9 o'clock in the morning on Saturday. But immediately after this, the rescue operation was announced again.

More than half a hundred missing relatives who are waiting for the body on the banks of the Meghna claim that the administration has lost the bodies of their relatives. Because the ship brought here to rescue the launch is very strong. However, the rescue operation has been deliberately delayed for three days.

Munshiganj launcher carrying-২

Relatives of many missing people are waiting for the bodies on the river bank. No one can say whether that wait will ever end. Many people are still mourning on the river bank. The cries of the bereaved are echoing in the air. But no one knows whether these missing people will return any day or not.

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