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Learn about 5 very expensive coffees

The Dhaka Times Desk Most people in the world drink coffee. Everyone likes coffee because it relieves fatigue and invigorates the body. Coffee is basically prepared from coffee beans. Still, coffee tastes different from place to place due to differences in location and processing. Their prices are also different. However, there are many coffees that will surprise you when you hear the price. Let us introduce you to some of the most expensive coffees…


Coffee Luak:

It is the most expensive coffee in the world. Its preparation method is very peculiar. A type of cat is used in the processing of this coffee. This cat breed is known as Bham cat. Coffee seeds are fed to the cat. The digested seeds are separated from the feces. It produces a soft, flavorful coffee. Kopi Luak is produced in Java, Bali, and Sulawesi in Indonesia. Its value is estimated to be around 100-600 pounds.


Black Ivory Coffee:

Another expensive coffee in the world is Black Ivory Coffee from Thailand. Interestingly, it is prepared from elephant dung. Coffee beans grown in the fields of northern Thailand are fed to elephants. Black Ivory Coffee is prepared by collecting coffee from elephant dung. The acid in the elephant's stomach breaks down the protein in the coffee. It produces coffee with a mild aroma. This coffee is available everywhere in Thailand. Every cup of coffee costs you $50.

EL Injarto:

Guatemala, like other countries in Latin America, produces a large amount of coffee. El Injarto Coffee is made from coffee grown in the highlands of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. It is famous for its fruity aroma and sweet taste. It is worth more than 50 pounds.

Esmeralda Special:

Panama's Esmeralda coffee is quite tasty and expensive. This coffee is grown at the Hacienda La Esmeralda farm in the Baru Mountains of western Panama. This coffee is cultivated under the shade of mature guava trees. People around the world love it for its exceptional taste. It is mainly famous for its sweet fragrance of fruits and flowers. Coffee beans are picked by hand. These are then processed in the farm itself. The price of this coffee is about 350 pounds per cup.


St. Helena Coffee:

Saint Helena coffee is produced in France. This coffee is quite famous for its quality as well as its origin. This coffee is grown in St. Helena, a remote area of the South Atlantic Ocean. It is processed there and then marketed. Napoleon himself planted coffee seeds in this place. This coffee costs more than 75 pounds per cup.

Many of those who are used to coffee may not be able to afford coffee at this price. However, coffee lovers can check it out if they want. These coffees are very expensive but also taste great. Despite this price, their sales are not limited.

Source: the richest

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