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Some mysterious cities lost in history

The Dhaka Times Desk Atlantis or Eldorado, the land of gold, may be fictional, but there are many other such cities in history that still inspire people today. They have been lost in the depths of time, but have left behind countless unsolved questions. Modern human civilization is still searching for answers to all those questions. Today we will highlight those cities for The Dhaka Times.


Machu Picchu

This Machu Picchu is the bearer of the Inca civilization. Machu Picchu was an architectural landmark unknown to the outside world until it was discovered by American historian Hiram Bingham in 1911. This civilization is located in Mexico. Macchu Picchu became more mysterious after its discovery than it was before it was discovered. Why this amazing civilization was built behind the mountain or what happened to the people of this civilization is still an unsolved question for archaeologists all over the world.



Petra is famous for its rock-cut architecture, which is wonderfully built at the foot of the rocky hills. It is the oldest archaeological site in Jordan. Until 1812, this ancient city remained unknown to the Western world. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1985. Indiana Jones' famous movie series 'The Last Crusade' was shot in this city of Petra. It is a mystery to historians as to who built this city by cutting the rocks. Historians find that the inhabitants of this civilization traded with the Greeks, based on this information.



Memphis is truly one of the greatest cities in history. Memphis was the first royal city in the history of human civilization. The period of the First Dynasty is from 3000 to 2800 BC. The founder of the first dynasty was King Menes. He was the first notable pharaoh in Egyptian history, who united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. And the capital of this undivided Egypt was Memphis. To modern historians and archaeologists, it is a garden of paradise. The Royal Tombs of Egypt are located here. It is called Kings Valley.



Tikal is the largest city ruins of the ancient Maya civilization. It is currently located in the northern Guatemala Peten Basin. Located in El Peten Department, part of Tikal National Park, Guatemala. Tikal was the capital of the ancient Maya civilization and one of the most powerful kingdoms. Although the monumental architecture of Tikal dates back to the 4th century BC, its earliest period is estimated to be around 200 to 900 AD.



A medieval empire in South India. The Portuguese called this empire as the Bisnaga kingdom. Various architectures are spread all over South India as symbols of this empire. Its best example is Hampi. Vijayanagara architecture is a fusion of the ancient temple architecture styles of South India. Its Hindu architecture combines all religions and local styles. This style is developed on local granite rock. The Vijayanagara Empire was a patron of art and literature. A new era began in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Sanskrit literature under the patronage of this empire. Carnatic music acquired its present form during the reign of this empire.



The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built on the banks of the Euphrates River in Iraq around 600 BC. Emperor Nebuchadnezzar built it on the inspiration of his empress. First a huge foundation was built, the area of which was 800 square feet. The foundation was placed on the elaborate roof of the then Emperor's Khas Upasanalam. After laying the foundation, its height from the ground stood 80 feet. On this foundation was built the world's largest and most amazing Puspbag. 4000 workers worked day and night to build this garden. 1050 gardeners were engaged in garden maintenance. 5 to 6 thousand varieties of jule saplings were planted in this hanging garden. Water was raised from the river by means of thick twisted pipes on the 80 feet high steps of the garden. In 514 AD, this beautiful garden was completely destroyed in a bloody war with the neighboring Persian kingdom.


Mohenjo Daro

Mohenjodaro is one of the largest city-settlements of the Indus Civilization of ancient India. It is located in the Larkana district of the Sindh province of present-day Pakistan. Built around 2600 BC, it is one of the oldest cities in the world and a contemporary of the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Crete. The city's archaeological ruins are now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also called “an ancient Indus metropolis”.

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