The Dhaka Times
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The social welfare minister called the journalists 'scoundrels, characterless and lustful'! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The controversial social welfare minister called the journalists 'scoundrels, characterless and lustful'! He made this comment while giving a speech at an event yesterday. Later, the journalists present boycotted the event.

Minister & journalists

The controversial Social Welfare Minister Syed Mohsin Ali has now abused journalists as 'rogue, characterless and lascivious'. He appeared in such a form at the Sylhet Upazila Parishad Auditorium yesterday Saturday at 3 pm at the discussion meeting of the Adivasi Day in Sylhet. The minister's unspeakable abuse while harassing journalists also embarrassed others present at the event. Other guests at the event feel embarrassed at this time.

The minister boastfully said at this time, 'Policies have been made to fix journalists. If I am in the Cabinet meeting, the reporters… (unprintable).

At the end of the program organized under the chairmanship of tribal leader Gauranga Patra, he got up to give the speech of the chief guest. He then started abusing in unspeakable language.

The social welfare minister said that the journalists will be sized in such a way that they cannot go home and sleep peacefully even with their wives. He also abused journalists as 'scoundrels, characterless, lustful'.

Watch the video at the event

After such a statement, when the journalists present protested against such a statement of the minister, at one point quite a ruckus started at the venue. At this time, Shafikur Rahman, former Member of Parliament of Sylhet-2 Constituency and General Secretary of District Awami League, and Woman Member of Parliament Kaya Chowdhury apologized to the journalists present. However, when the minister continued his indecent speech, the journalists boycotted the event and walked out of the venue.

It is to be noted that this Social Welfare Minister Syed Mohsin Ali had previously smoked openly in an event for students. He later apologized for the matter when the journalists published it along with the picture. Since then he is extremely angry with journalists.

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