The Dhaka Times
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No one has been arrested in Moghbazar's 3 murders yet

The Dhaka Times Desk Terrorists shot and killed 3 people in a house at No. 78 Sonali Bagh of Moghbazar Wireless Gate on Thursday night. No one has been arrested in this incident yet.


The deceased in this incident on Thursday night are Ranu (32), Belal Hossain (22) and Munna (20). Another person who was shot is Hriday Hossain (28). Heart condition is critical. The police initially believe that the murder took place over the construction of the boundary wall of the house.

According to police sources, a group of 7/8 people including local terrorist Kala Babu entered the house and fired indiscriminately. 4 people were shot. When they were taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital, the doctor on duty declared 3 dead.

At night, Minister of State for Home Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal visited that house in Sonali Bagh. During the visit, he instructed the concerned that 'Kala Babu and whoever it is, he will be caught soon and the culprit will be brought to justice soon'.

Meanwhile, the brutal killing of Channel Eye's Islamic program presenter Farooqui and the 3 murders in Moghbazar are causing a storm of discussion across the country. Conscious civil society has called upon the government to take strong measures to improve the law and order situation.

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