The Dhaka Times Desk Your smartphone will inform you in advance of the earthquake! A group of researchers recently reported this information after a long study.
Your smartphone will inform you of when and where earthquakes will occur in the world along with the necessary warning advice. After a long study, a group of researchers recently gave this information.
According to the research team, the smartphone's GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver is capable of detecting the movement of the Earth's surface. That is why it is possible to know if there is an earthquake anywhere through a smartphone.
The research team also observed this issue. In this they found out that it is possible to determine the earthquake by determining the 'creed source' through the user's smartphone. Researchers believe that if the source of the earthquake is known in advance, others can be warned.
Sarah Minson, head of the research team, works at the United States Geological Survey. He told the news media, 'cried source' alert is a collection of information in a specific area. There the information is collected by the people of their own area. That is why it is possible to spread the warning through smartphones as soon as an earthquake is predicted in that area. By doing this, everyone will be able to go to safe shelter.
The research team conducted research in earthquake-prone Japan to see how efficient and effective earthquake signals are through smartphones. The research team chose the city of Tohoku-oki, Japan's most earthquake-prone region. The researchers there also verified the probability of earthquakes through simulations with 'crowd sourced EEE'.
Researchers have found this to be quite effective. More or less everyone in the area provided information through crowd sourced EEE. The research team has shown, for example, that if 5,000 people in a large metropolitan area can forecast by smartphone, it is possible to detect an earthquake. The people of that area will be spared from the earthquake damage.
However, smartphone sensors are capable of detecting earthquakes measuring 7 or more on the Richter scale. But earthquakes of magnitude less than 7 cannot be calculated. But crowd sourced information is less specific. However, large earthquakes cause large tremors in the earth's surface. The crowd source collects all the necessary information about earthquakes and sends warnings.