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Trafficking in the Mediterranean: EU is getting tougher

The Dhaka Times Desk The European Union (EU) is stepping up efforts to stop the loss of life due to the recent increase in smuggling in the Mediterranean.

Trafficking in the Mediterranean

The recent spate of shipwrecks has increased the number of deaths in the Mediterranean. Therefore, the European Union (EU) is going to take more strict measures to stop them and stop the traffickers.

On April 23, the leaders discussed taking military action in the emergency meeting of the 28-nation European Union in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. Along with that, the members agreed to triple the monthly cost allocation to 9.7 million dollars to strengthen the security of the Mediterranean area to prevent human trafficking. The meeting also decided to use additional ships, planes and helicopters to save lives in view of the recent sinking of ships.

It is to be noted that the most tragic accident in the memory took place on the way from Libya to Italy at midnight on April 19 local time, about 193 kilometers south of Lampedusa in the Pelagi Islands, in the waters of Libya with about 900 passengers.

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