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Chemo will not be needed: cancer will prevent 'happy' hormone!

The Dhaka Times Desk Chemo will not be needed from now on. Now cancer will prevent 'happy' hormone! Such a groundbreaking discovery by a group of scientists from Kolalkata.

cancer & 'happy' hormones

This breakthrough of scientists in the treatment of incurable cancer has made the world hopeful. Because of this, in the near future, there will be no need for expensive treatments like chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer patients.

Kolkata scientist Partha Dasgupta and Sujit Bose told the media that this happy hormone works wonderfully to destroy cancer tumors. The secretion of this hormone makes people happy. Hence its name. The real name of the hormone in medical terms is dopamine. But it is better known as happy hormone. This hormone not only makes people happy but also cures cancer.

Scientists say it has been successfully tested on mice. It has been found that cancer tumors are destroyed by the application of happy hormone. This time happiness hormone will be applied to people. If successful, expensive treatments such as chemotherapy would no longer be necessary. Where chemo therapy costs lakhs of rupees, a vial or bottle of dopamine (happy hormone) is available for just 25 rupees.

Emeritus Professor Partha Dasgupta of Chittaranjan National Cancer Research Institute, Kolkata and Professor Sujit Bose of Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center. Both of them say that it was only by running a few tests on different hormones that they accidentally discovered dopamine's ability to kill cancer cells.

In the words of Partha Dasgupta, 'Cancer tumors grow rapidly. We found that if blood vessel growth could be controlled, tumor growth stopped. Experiments on mice have shown that the dopamine hormone works specifically to inhibit the growth of cancer tumors.' The researchers commented that more tests and researches are necessary to bring complete success.

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