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The Taliban snatched more than 400 prisoners!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time the Taliban snatched more than 400 prisoners. This militant organization broke into a prison in Afghanistan and freed hundreds of prisoners.

Taliban Prison & attack

This time the Taliban snatched more than 400 prisoners. This militant organization broke into a prison in Afghanistan and freed hundreds of prisoners. At this time, 7 Taliban and 4 Afghan security personnel were killed. Meanwhile, the Taliban claimed that as many as 40 security personnel and prison guards were killed in their attack.

Taliban Prison & attack-2

The violent incident took place in a prison in the city of Ghazni, located 75 miles southwest of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, late Sunday night.

According to media reports, Taliban insurgents attacked the main gate of the prison with a suicide car bomb around 2 am local time on Sunday. Almost all the inmates of the prison escaped.

Ghazni Deputy Governor Mohammad Ali Ahmadi said a total of 352 prisoners escaped. About 150 of them are Taliban militants.

In a statement, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said, "The group's gunmen and three suicide bombers attacked the prison on Sunday night and freed 400 prisoners." However, Afghan security officials could not immediately confirm the exact number of prisoners in the prison.

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