The Dhaka Times
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Follow up on May 5. Secretary General of Custody Babunagari arrested

The Dhaka Times Desk Yesterday, Hefazet Islami Secretary General Junaid Babunagari was arrested by the Dhaka Metropolitan Police. First in the afternoon, there were rumors that Hazrat Allama Shah Ahmed Shafi, the Amir of Islamic Custody, had been detained. Later he was sent to Chittagong under police guard.


Meanwhile, after the arrest, Hefazet Islam Secretary General Junaid Babunagari was taken to the Dhaka Metropolitan Detective (DB) office. The police arrested Babunagari from Lalbagh area around 8 pm on Monday.

According to DB sources, Junaid Babunagari was arrested yesterday in a case filed at Paltan police station. He will be sent to the court with a request to take him on 10-day remand today, Tuesday, May 7 morning.

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