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New tab can be opened from Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk From now on, new tabs can be opened from Facebook. Facebook, the popular social media site, is currently testing an improved in-app browser.

You can open a new tab from Facebook

According to news media, through this in-app, users can easily open a new page with a URL without leaving the Facebook app.

Indian media outlet Indo-Asian News Service described the new facility as 'fantastic'. A new bar appears at the bottom of the Facebook app, showing how popular a post is. It also has back, forward and menu buttons, where several features are kept.

Only tab support is left. With a good browser, Facebook can create its own 'ecosystem' easily. Finally they are bringing this facility.

The browser is currently only available for iOS customers. However, it has been reported that it will be rolled out to everyone after a few months after the testing is over.

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