The Dhaka Times
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A dangerous creature on the beach!

The Dhaka Times Desk How many animals appear on the beach? But this time a dangerous animal was found on the beach! Although it does not look so dangerous, it is a terrible animal!

Dangerous animals on beach

Many of you may think that it is a plastic material after seeing the picture. But actually it is not. You will also be surprised to know that it is a kind of dangerous marine animal. Animals that humans can kill. The name of this creature is 'Portuguese Man of War'. The creature was spotted on Olivenca beach in Brazil just a few months ago.

The 'Portuguese man of war' is not a jellyfish, it's a siphonophore. It is actually made of a type of small marine animal. Much like marine coral.

It is known that these species of animals are very dangerous. One of their bites can kill people. This animal can grow up to 165 feet. That is, this animal can be longer than a blue whale!

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