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Apple's new car is coming

The Dhaka Times Desk According to a German newspaper, Apple has created a secret laboratory for making cars in Berlin, the capital of Germany. The people assigned there are working day and night in engineering, software, hardware and marketing.

Apple's new cars are coming

Meanwhile, Chris Parritt, the former vice chairman of the vehicle engineering department of the car manufacturer Tesla Motors, has been appointed to a special project team at Apple, according to the news. It is safe to say that someone with experience in making cars will not make smartphones while working at Apple. It is only natural that he would be busy making cars.

The German newspaper also said that the Austrian car manufacturer Magna Steyr will make the Apple Car. The company mainly manufactures small Cooper cars in 29 countries around the world. Several other reports indicated that Apple has recruited experienced engineers from US Silicon Valley and the world of car manufacturers. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors recently joked about this, 'If you don't get a job at Tesla, try Apple instead!'

According to media reports, it is not only Tesla that Apple is pulling the veterans. The world-renowned company Apple is recruiting workers from Ford, General Motors and Mercedes-Benz. Even the battery manufacturing company A123 Systems has complained that Apple has carried out an 'aggressive' program to share workers!

In September last year, The Guardian reported that Apple has contacted the Department of Motor Vehicles there to check driving in the state of California.

Meanwhile, Apple Insider said that Apple is quietly advancing the work of building cars under the cover of an organization called Sixty Eight Research. The employees of this company also wear the same clothes as the employees of Apple. In September last year, the Wall Street Journal said in a report that Apple's new car will be on the market by 2019. But only time will tell when the Apple car is coming. Yahoo Tech has given these news.

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