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'Rx71 Health' app will provide emergency medical services!

The Dhaka Times Desk An application called 'RX71 Health' has been developed by RX71 Ltd. to provide health awareness and general awareness about diseases and emergency medical services.

'Rx71 Health' App

In a press release issued yesterday (Wednesday) by RX 71 Limited, this new app can be downloaded and used for free.

Recently organized by Google Developer Group (GDG) Dhaka, the Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB) in the capital on mobile technology.Mobicon 2016At the conference top spot The app has taken over.

'Rx71 Health' App-2

Nizam Uddin, Chief Executive Officer of RX 71 Limited, said that this service contains useful information to make the people of the country aware of health, to give a general idea about diseases and which doctor to go to in an emergency. This service has been launched after researching for the past two years. We call this service 360 ​​degree solution in health care.

The press release also informed that the website of Rx71 in Bengal ( 5 services have been launched on a trial basis.

'Rx71 Health' App-3

It is made with the facility of self-diagnosis based on physical and mental symptoms Diagnostic Service. The database and algorithms used in it will provide detailed information about possible diseases and advice on which doctor to visit.

Nizam Uddin He also said that health knowledge module has been created with detailed database about 979 diseases and symptoms to increase health awareness. This section contains more information about each disease including description, symptoms, causes, common questions, health tips, animated videos.

The food and nutrition section has been prepared with details about the nutritional value of more than 300 indigenous foods and you can create your own diet plan through this service. The diet plan system An intelligent system.

We have created scanned copies of more than seven and a half thousand doctors' photos, degrees and visiting cards Doctor Directory department.

From here you can easily find the right doctor for your treatment. You can easily find the best doctor by rating doctors from our category. Details of more than 700 clinics and diagnostic centers are available Hospital Directory section.

RX 71 Ltd Chief Executive Nizam He said that the service of doctor's appointment or interview will be launched soon through the app. Apart from this, the company is working on the hospital management system for the automation of the country's hospitals. RX 71 is also coordinating between user-friendly websites, apps and hospital management systems to easily convey information to people.

Apps Download Link:

Details can be found on the company's website ( and
facebook page ( from

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