The Dhaka Times
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The Taliban leader was killed in the attack: US authorities claim!

The Dhaka Times Desk US authorities claimed that Taliban chief Akhtar Mansoor was killed in the airstrike. The Taliban, on the other hand, rejected this claim.


According to media reports, Al Jazeera quoted a US official as saying that the attack was carried out in a remote area of Pakistan yesterday (Saturday). US President Barack Obama authorized the attack the day before (Friday).

According to the US commentary, the attack was carried out when Akhtar Mansoor and some of his associates were going somewhere else in a car. Akhtar and his accomplice were killed at least one other person.

Meanwhile, Taliban authorities have denied the news of Akhtar Mansoor's death.

It should be noted that Akhtar Mansoor took over as Taliban chief after Taliban leader Mullah Omar was killed last year.

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