The Dhaka Times
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A mother arrested for selling children in India!

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently in India, the police arrested a mother for the crime of selling a four-month-old baby.

A mother was arrested for selling children in India

The woman named Suniti Devi gave her son to someone else in exchange of only three lakh rupees.

Suniti Devi is a resident of Bharatiganj area of Rohtas district of Bihar state, India. Recently, he gave away his four-month-old baby son to a woman named Priya Pandey of Ghaziabad for just Rs 3 lakh. But after returning home, his heart became longing for his son. Finally unable to leave his son, he ran to Priya and asked for his son back. Priya Pandey got angry and complained to the police station.

Based on the complaint, the police arrested mother Suniti Devi and broker Taramani Devi. The police also arrested the shopper Priya Pandey for taking part in this illegal activity. Those three women are currently in jail!

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