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Earn money by watching videos on YouTube!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many ways to earn money. But from now on, earn money by watching YouTube videos at home!


Many of us think that random net surfing is just a way to pass free time. But did you know that spending time on the Internet can also be a way for you to make a lot of money? If you don't have enough internet data on your mobile phone or laptop, then if you don't mind watching videos on YouTube, you can earn by surfing the internet.

This may seem unbelievable to you. But however incredible it may seem, the fact is true. There are several YouTube channel websites in the net world where the channel authority will pay you if you watch the video!

Not only this, the amount of earnings can increase further if you can leave a comment or suggestion below the video. If other friends can refer the site then you will get additional commission!

Now the question is, is it possible to earn money through any website? There are many websites that offer money. Some of them are:

Paid2YouTube paid2youtube
Swagbucks swagbucks
you-cubez you-cubez
Slidejoy etc.

All of these are PTC or Paid to Click sites. Advertisers on these sites will place a lot of ads between your videos. You just need to click on them. And from there the money will go to your account through a virtual wallet like PayPal.

According to news media, each site's operating procedure is different. For example: If you want to earn from Slidejoy, then you just need to install its app on your Android mobile.
Whenever your phone is locked, this app will continuously play ads on your phone. Again, whenever you unlock the phone, the ads will stop playing. It is possible to earn about 38 rupees per hour in this method.

According to experts, it is possible to earn up to 35 thousand rupees per month from PTCs in this way.

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