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Trump's comments about women, including his wife, in the face of criticism

The Dhaka Times Desk US presidential candidate Donald Trump has come under fire from Americans and wife Melania Trump for making "dirty comments" about women.


Trump's comments were called 'unacceptable' and 'offensive' by his wife.

But at the same time, apart from the criticism, Melania called on the people to look at Trump's comments with a positive light.

Melania said: 'My husband's comments about women are unacceptable and offensive. But the Trump I know cannot say such things.'

Melania added, 'Trump has both a head and a big heart for leadership. So I hope people will look at his wrong comments with a forgiving look.'

In a television show in 2005, Trump made dirty comments about women.

"If you're a star, you can do whatever you want with women," he said to host Billy Bush.

At the event, Trump bragged about having sex with a married woman and kissing other women and touching various sensitive parts of their bodies.

It should be noted that recently a video tape made from that event was published on the website of the American newspaper Washington Post. After that, a new controversy arose about Trump. Even senior Republican Party leaders are condemning his spending. He has even demanded that he withdraw from the presidential candidate.

In a video statement on Facebook after the incident, Trump apologized, saying, 'I said it, I apologize. I promise I will become a better person.'

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