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Another river under the Amazon! What's the secret?

The Dhaka Times Desk Amazon River is the longest river in the world located in South America. Its length is about 6,400 km. Another river under this mysterious Amazon!


The history of this mysterious Amazon is that during the monsoon season, the width of the Amazon River can reach 190 kilometers or 120 miles.

Recently, scientists have discovered another new river under the Amazon River. In width, it is twice as big as the Amazon! One of the wonders of nature is the Amazon basin and its surrounding areas. Only the Creator knows what wonders lie beneath. The Amazon basin is known worldwide as one of the largest and most unique in the world.

Amazon covers an area of 7 million square kilometers. But much of it still remains unknown. For example, a Brazilian scientist discovered a new river under the Amazon basin.

The scientist said that this new river flows 4 km deep in the Amazon basin. The name of the river is Rio Hamza. Scientists say that the longer the Amazon river is, the greater it is in length. But in breadth it is much wider than Amazon!

Both the Amazon and Rio Hamza rivers flow from west to east over an area of about 6,000 km. However, while the Amazon River ranges from 1 km to 100 km in width, the Hamza River ranges from 200 km to 400 km. Both rivers merge from their source to the Atlantic Ocean.

It has been said that the speed of water in the Amazon River is very high. The upper Amazon carries much more water. The water velocity of the Rio Hamza below there is very stagnant, calm in nature. Scientists found the existence of the river after many years of research on it.

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