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Donald Trump has to face the judge!

The Dhaka Times Desk Donald Trump won the US presidential election by a huge margin. But the position is not a matter for the court. So he has to face the judge.


According to media reports, the newly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump, has to face the court judge in just 3 weeks after winning the people's trial.

Donald Trump will appear in a California court on November 28 to defend himself in a case of fraud.

Attorney Patrick J. Collin told the media that Donald Trump has been served with a notice to appear in San Diego federal court.

Donald Trump, the winner of the 45th presidential election of the United States, can avoid it if he settles the matter before then.

The case against US billionaire Trump was filed by a group of students of the defunct Trump University.
They alleged that the university authorities took more money than the degree status. Trump knew this.

Although the case was filed in August of this year, Trump's lawyers requested a stay of proceedings until the presidential election.

Donald Trump's appearance date has been set for November 28 after the election, Colin said.

From the beginning, Trump has been questioning the competence of Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel in this case, according to a report in the New York Daily News.

Trump thinks that he will not get justice in the case because the judge is of Mexican origin.
Trump has been calling Mexicans 'rapists and terrorists' since the beginning of the election campaign. This Republican also announced to remove the border wall with the country if he comes to power.

In addition to this case filed by former students of Trump University, several other allegations against Trump are being investigated, according to the Daily News.

It should be noted that even if Donald Trump is elected president, he will start his duties by taking oath on January 20.

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