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Find an ancient harvest field!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have heard the news of many incidents in the world. But today there is news of finding an ancient crop field!


The situation there is like that, big stones all around. The middle space is equal. Potatoes were planted here. Not today, about 3 thousand 800 years ago!

Such potato fields have been found in British Columbia. Experts say, this is the oldest crop field in the world!

In the December issue of The Journal Science Advances, The Indian Express, citing experts on the subject, said archaeologists believed the field was the 'first example' of hunter-gatherer harvesting.

Not only the potato fields, various wood materials are also available there. More than 3,000 years ago, people tended gardens with these materials. To be clear, then people also learned to use agricultural tools. According to reports, people of the Katji tribe lived in those areas.

Archaeologists Tanja Hoffman and Simon Fraser, who were working on the project at the university, discovered the potato field. The project was researching the people of the Katji tribe.

The researchers found the potato field under the reservoir. The reservoir has survived for centuries. The existence of a type of crop called Wapato tuber has been noticed by removing the water of the reservoir. Which is known as a type of potato in South Asian region. There was a stone wall around the potato field.

The researchers said that these stones did not occur here naturally, but they installed these stone walls to protect the potatoes. Not only that, the people of 3800 years ago also made a system to introduce water to that garden or field!

Dry area next to that reservoir. Researchers said that people used to live in these areas. About 150 types of wooden machinery parts are found around the potato fields. Researchers claim that these are agricultural materials. The primitive people of those days used to dig the soil and plant seedlings with these tools.

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