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After meeting and love on Facebook, an American young woman came to Bangladesh and got married!

The Dhaka Times Desk Love story from that early era. Premete mojilo man, ki ba muchi ki ba dom' is true even in this day and age. An American girl finally met and fell in love on Facebook!

ফেসবুকে পরিচয় ও প্রেমের পর এক মার্কিন তরুণী বাংলাদেশে এসে বিয়ে! 1

Gemini-Elizabeth couple. They proved that there is no time or place for love. With the pull of this love, Elizabeth moved to Bangladesh from South America, overcoming all the obstacles of society and family. This is not a new story of lovers meeting. This time Mithun Biswas of Jhenaidah and American young woman Elizabeth set such a precedent.

Their identity happens on social media Facebook. Then friendship and love are introduced. After crossing the distance between Bangladesh and the United States, this couple is now bound by fate. This story of the successful outcome of the love of Mithun in Jhenaidah is now adorning the lips of the people of Jhenaidah. Writing in the news media has started a lot.

This story of Mithun and Elizabeth's yellow love has spread around the world. Rakhalgachi village of Rakhalgachi union of Kaliganj upazila of Jhenaidah. Mithun Biswas, son of Nirmal Biswas lives in this village. Elizabeth, the daughter of Roy Emlick of Washington City, United States, met with this twin Biswas who is involved in social development work.

Mithun Biswas told the media, 'He met Elizabeth on Facebook in the middle of 2014. Then gradually friendship developed between the two. At some point we even fall in love with each other. After two and a half years of relationship we have not decided that we will get married. The families of the two were also informed.'

ফেসবুকে পরিচয় ও প্রেমের পর এক মার্কিন তরুণী বাংলাদেশে এসে বিয়ে! 2

Mithun said that even though his family did not object, Elizabeth's family complained. Elizabeth did not know Bangladesh as a country before meeting Mithun. When she told her family about Mithun, Elizabeth's family gave her the idea of Bangladesh as a radical Muslim country. Elizabeth's family also feared that she might be killed if she went to Bangladesh. However, knowing about Bangladesh from Mithun, Elizabeth decided to ignore the family's obstacles.

After coming to Bangladesh and getting married, Mithun-Elizabeth said, 'Elizabeth has completed her graduation. He gets frustrated because of his family's obstruction. After trying for a few days, he got a job at Walmart. He also works for a few months to save money. After that, Elizabeth came to Bangladesh with a visa by contacting the Bangladesh Embassy in the United States.'

Mithun said that his family was very happy to hear the news of Elizabeth's arrival in Bangladesh. On January 2, he was brought to his village from Mithun Airport with his family members. Their engagement was finalized on January 4 with the consent of Mithun's family. On January 9, Khulna got married at Shalak AG Church.

After the wedding, Mithun and Elizabeth Mithun Biswas told the media with their family members outside the church, 'Facebook is the source of our identity and love. Finally we are living happily ever after. Elizabeth is now learning to speak Bengali. Before the marriage, her family stopped, but now they have accepted this marriage. Elizabeth's parents and two brothers have also been spoken to several times. They are also happy at present.'

This incident created a stir in the entire area. Many people from nearby villages are coming to have a look at Mithun-Elizabeth couple. Local residents also expressed joy in this incident.

After marriage Elizabeth wears a Bengali style saree and is now an ordinary bride of a village. So the neighbors of the village are also very happy.

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