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What is the correct use of the blue part of the eraser? Find out today

Pencil marks are removed with white or red areas. And the pen mark is removed with the blue part

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us do not know the correct use of the blue part of the eraser. We knew that pen stains were removed with the blue part. What is it really? Find out today.

ইরেজারের নীল অংশটির সঠিক ব্যবহার কী? আজ জেনে নিন 1

We have been seeing two-color erasers since childhood. One part is white or red and the other part is blue. But we normally know that pencil marks are removed with white or red part. And the pen mark is removed with the blue part. But our idea so far is wrong.

Why are the erasers colored in two colors, and what is the function of the blue part? Our conventional idea is that the blue part is used to erase pen ink scratches from paper. But if the blue part of the eraser is rubbed on the pen mark, the ink mark is never seen. Rather, the paper is torn many times. Does not stain. So what is the function of this blue part?

Now there is actually a clue about the working of this blue part. And that's not the pen stain, but the blue edge has another function. The white or red part is actually used to erase light pencil marks. This end of the eraser is relatively soft. That's why light pencil marks are easily removed by gentle rubbing of this part.

And the blue part is used for erasing rough and obvious pencil scratches. This part is actually the hard end of the eraser. When pencil smudges become thick on sand-sand art paper, it is easy to remove the smudges by using this blue part. In this case there is no fear of paper getting dirty or tearing. But since this part is hard, it has to be wiped very carefully.

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