The Dhaka Times
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Mim is once again acting in a joint production film

For the time being, the name of the film is called 'Mann Ki Ji Bale' but it has not been finalised

The Dhaka Times Desk After the success of the film 'Black', Vidya Sinha is going to act in another joint production film, Mim. But the name of this film is not finalized yet.

যৌথ প্রযোজনার ছবিতে আবারও অভিনয় করছেন মিম 1

The film's director Piyush Saha told the media, 'The issue of Mim's acting in the film has been finalised. For the time being, the name of the film is called 'Mann Ki Ji Bale' but it has not been finalised. You will know everything only in time.'

He also said that now there is a little dilemma about the name of the film. The film is scheduled to shoot in the first week of April. The name of the film may also be changed before the shooting.

Last week, Vidya Sinha Mim was signed for this film. In this regard Mim said, 'The director contacted me on WhatsApp from Kolkata. He narrated the story of the film. I like hearing stories. A few days later the director of the film came to Dhaka. I signed a contract then.' Mim is playing the role of Rani in the film. Tollygunge actor Surya is acting opposite Mim.

Mim said about his acquaintance with the hero Surya, "I have seen Surya's careless picture, even though I don't know him. I like it very much. He did a great job in acting and dancing in the film.'

যৌথ প্রযোজনার ছবিতে আবারও অভিনয় করছেন মিম 2

Note that this joint production film is produced by Time World Media Limited in Bangladesh. On the other hand, Prince Entertainment is producing in India.

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