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Money came out of the turtle's stomach!

Tortoise stomach surgery is done in the operation theater of a famous hospital in Bangkok

The Dhaka Times Desk Although it seems like a strange news, money is actually found in the stomach of a turtle. Which can be called a money mine!

কচ্ছপের পেট থেকে বের হলো কাড়ি কাড়ি টাকা! 1

The incident happened in Thailand. A turtle stomach operation there is in the operation theater of a famous hospital in Bangkok. The doctors found a 'money mine' in the stomach of this turtle by operation! Doctors said that about 1000 coins were taken out from its stomach and intestine. They will weigh around 5 kg.

It is known that the turtle was found by the locals on the bank of the river near a place of worship. Then this turtle looked very weak. He could not move. When they took him to the hospital, a CT scan showed a metallic substance in the abdomen. That's why the doctors decided to operate on him. The turtle was taken to the operation theatre. Then 12 doctors operated on his abdomen for 9 hours to remove the coins. Then he was rehabilitated with special services.

The question arose as to where so many coins came from in the turtle's stomach. And why it was swallowed is a mystery. An account has also been opened on Facebook in the name of the turtle!

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