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A video that will blow your mind! [video]

At the top of the Market Square Tower, 500 feet above the ground, there is a large swimming pool

The Dhaka Times Desk 'Market Square Tower' is a huge shopping mall with 40 floors built in the city of Houston, USA. A video has been released about this building that will amaze you!

This 40-storey building is built in such a way that many people will be surprised when they look up from the ground floor. At the top of the Market Square Tower, 500 feet above the ground, there is a large swimming pool.

Although this swimming pool has not yet been opened to the general public for swimming, it has already become a focal point of attraction for Houstonians or foreigners due to its unique diversity.

A swimming pool has been installed on the 40-storey building. This swimming pool is named Sky Pool. The pool is surrounded by transparent glass. This glass is 8 inches thick.

The edge of this swimming pool is extended 10 feet from the building, which looks in the video as if someone is walking from the sky and stepping on the void! And for those who are afraid to take a bath at a higher height, there is another ring-shaped swimming pool on the fourth floor.

But caution is that heart patients should not watch this video. Because it can be terrible for heart patients!

Check out the amazing video

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