The Dhaka Times
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This scene of making paddy is like a witness of the past!

It's a really cool scene no doubt. We forgot about the village

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Saturday, 22 April 2017 Christ, 9 Baisakh 1424 Bengal, 24 Rajab 1438 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

ঢেকিতে ধান বানার এই দৃশ্যটি যেনো অতিতের এক স্বাক্ষী! 1

Looking at this picture of making paddy in a dhekhi, one might think that it is probably a village scene. But actually it is not, it is a scene of Boishakhi celebrations in the capital.

It's a really cool scene no doubt. We forgot about the village. And so we get busy when we see such a scene in the village. One such scenario took place on the 1st of Baisakh. Some of the surroundings of all the villages where Dhaka Cantonment Girls Public School and College organizes Boishakhi Mela at Dhaka Cantonment signal. Which fascinates the visitors. This artificial scene of paddy making in Dhekki brought everyone very close to the reality of that time.

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