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Iran warns: 'Saudi Arabia will be crushed except Mecca and Medina'

Earlier, the Saudi prince said to Iran, "The war in the Middle East will be carried to Iran in the end."

The Dhaka Times Desk Amid the ongoing tensions between North Korea and the United States, a new dispute has erupted between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Iran warns: 'Saudi Arabia will be crushed except Mecca and Medina'.

ইরানের হুঁশিয়ারি: ‘মক্কা-মদিনা বাদে সৌদি আরব গুঁড়িয়ে দেওয়া হবে’ 1

A few days ago, the Saudi prince said to Iran, "The war in the Middle East will eventually be taken to Iran."

Iran's defense minister, Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan, warned that if the Saudi government does something stupid, "the whole of Saudi Arabia will be destroyed except for the holy cities of Mecca and Medina."

General Dehghan made the threat in response to Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's comments that the ongoing war in various Middle Eastern countries would be taken to Iran. Prince Salman said, if there is a war between Riyadh and Tehran, it will be on the soil of Iran.

Saudi Vice-Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman said, "We will try to make the war happen in Iran instead of Saudi Arabia." In response to Salman's statement, in an interview broadcast on the Lebanese TV channel Al-Manar, Iran's defense minister replied, "We will urge them to refrain from acting like fools, but if they still do something stupid, then no one in Saudi Arabia except Mecca and Medina We will not exclude to attack the place.'

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