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Burka is banned in Austria!

The relevant authorities said that the law can be implemented by October 1, 2017

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, there are many stories about burqa, which is famous as the dress of Islam. Due to some attacks after wearing the burqa, the burqa is being banned in many countries around the world. Burka is banned in Austria!

এবার বোরকা নিষিদ্ধ হচ্ছে অস্ট্রিয়ায়! 1

According to media reports, Austria is about to enact a law banning the wearing of the burqa in public. Meanwhile, the draft of the law has also been raised in the country's 'Federal Law Gazette'.

The law will come into effect after Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen approves it. The relevant authorities said that the law can be implemented by October 1, 2017.

According to a report by the Russian news agency Sputnik, "the law will force asylum seekers and refugees to develop long-term plans to acquire European values and mastery of the German language."

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