The Dhaka Times
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Afghan girls showed the world!

It has shown fanatics that Afghan women are no less like other countries of the world

The Dhaka Times Desk Afghan girls showed the world by winning the silver medal of the international robotics competition. But this robotics team of girls from Afghanistan was denied a visa to America twice!

বিশ্বকে দেখিয়ে দিলেন আফগান মেয়েরা! 1

It is known that "Courageous Achievement" was given to them in the international robotics competition named FIRST Global Challenge. They were asked to build a robot to deliver clean water in this competition.

They applied twice for US visas for this competition but were rejected. But surprisingly, President Donald Trump himself then arranged for them to get visas. The American State Department has not given any answer as to why this robotics team of 6 girls was not given a visa. They have to face not only visa but also several other problems. All the competing teams are sent some raw materials for this competition in March this year. However, their raw materials reach this group in Afghanistan in June! It is said that the reason is that these materials will fall into the hands of terrorists.

First daughter Ivanka Trump greeted the girls of Afghanistan by appearing in the competition

On their team page at the competition, the girls from Afghanistan wrote, “We want to make a difference. Breakthroughs in science, technology and other industries come from children's dreams of doing great things. We want to be that child and make a difference in people's lives by making our dreams come true.”

বিশ্বকে দেখিয়ে দিলেন আফগান মেয়েরা! 2

These girls of Afghanistan have taken a step towards that dream by succeeding in the competition. They have shown the world that girls can do anything. They have given fingers to the bigots that Afghan women are no less like other countries of the world.

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