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A radio program for dogs was created in Germany

This will help dogs get rid of loneliness

The Dhaka Times Desk Not only humans, but dogs also need entertainment. Keeping this in mind, a German radio channel has launched a special program for dogs.

কুকুরের জন্য রেডিও প্রোগ্রাম তৈরি হলো জার্মানিতে 1

A German radio operator named Stephen Stock Hello Hass Made a special program for dogs called He claims, it will help dogs get rid of loneliness.

Stock also said he has a dog named Layla. He found that whenever the dog suffered from loneliness, it began to bark. Originally he came up with the idea while trying to find a way to calm his dog down.

Stock observed exactly what kind of music calms dogs. In his opinion, quiet music without the sound of drums and electric guitars is preferred by dogs.

However, some experts claim that it is not possible to calm dogs in this way.


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