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20 thousand bees with pregnant photo shoot!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen a lot of cases of body covering with bees. But this time the incident is a little exceptional. Because this time with 20,000 bees pregnant photo shoot!

২০ হাজার মৌমাছি নিয়ে গর্ভর্তীর ফটোশুট! 1

We see a lot of photoshoots with pregnant women from time to time. But this time we saw a little exceptional event. Sometimes it is brought before the camera to create awareness about pregnancy or to highlight the extraordinary aspect of motherhood. This time a mother-to-be has shown the ultimate example of bravery in this photo shoot. A pregnant woman did a photoshoot with 20,000 live bees.

The pregnant woman's name is Emily Muller. She is about to give birth for the fourth time. Emily Muller is a bee farmer in Ohio, USA. So he is not very afraid. Rather, it is like a relationship with them. However, few dare to do this during pregnancy. However, Emily braved the amazing photo shoot.

According to media reports, Emily Mueller and her husband Ryan. The two have built a bee farm together. They also manage together.

Emily Mueller's husband Ryan, 37, said these bees have been around for a large part of their lives. Emily Muller said, she is not afraid of them at all. These bees have become a part of their lives.

Emily Muller said, "So when I got the chance, I decided to capture the memories of such a unique time as pregnancy with them."

Cameraman Kendra Damis gave the idea in this work. They also invented a method of keeping the bees calm on Emily's stomach. Of course, Emily's safety was of utmost importance.

They said that the queen of the bees was taken out and imprisoned in a cage. Emily kept that cage to herself. That is why all the bees fly and flock to the queen. And so the position they need to take pictures is matched.

He shared these pictures on Facebook. Wrote, it is a unique experience of life. Not everyone has such luck. Photographing Emily will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The pictures taken with the bees have gone viral. However, many have commented that this idea is not a sound thought. Many also fear any harm to the child in the womb. One person wrote that the hair on my body has stopped!

But no matter what happened, in the end, Emily was able to put these wonderful pictures of her motherhood on the memory page - that's the big thing.

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