The Dhaka Times
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Ronaldo deserves the next Ballon d'Or!

The Dhaka Times Desk After resigning from Real, Mourinho opened up about Ronaldo. And almost immediately, Real's midfield stalwart 24-year-old Mesut Ozil has recently been full of praise for Ronaldo. He rated Ronaldo as the best player as well as the most supportive teammate. He also thinks that all roads are open for Ronaldo to win the next Ballon d'Or.


Ronaldo scored 55 goals for the club last season. Ozil said, “He is a very important player for the team. And in almost every match he plays his best, there is no question of competing with him!”

"I watch his training every day, how he practices, takes control of the ball. It doesn't compare. I say with respect to all players in the world, only Ronaldo deserves to win the next Ballon d'Or."

Meanwhile, Mourinho spoke about Ronaldo's single-minded nature. Mourinho was sacked by Real Madrid shortly after losing the Copa del Rey title. "I had three wonderful seasons with Ronaldo," Mourinho said. So at least I have my own opinion about him."

"He thinks what he thinks is right. He never listened to my advice. I found some weaknesses in the tactics that Ronaldo relies on to play well. If he overcomes that, his number of goals will increase. But he ignored me.”

“Looking at his demeanor, I thought he knew everything, he couldn't have any weakness anywhere. No coach is needed to improve his performance."

So far, Ronaldo's quarrel with Mourinho was not a rumour. Meanwhile, Ronaldo is now busy with his home country's World Cup qualifying match against Russia on Friday. He said that he has now given full attention there.

He said, “It is a very important match for us. If we don't get full points from here, the World Cup journey will be difficult for us. Besides, I feel a different kind of thrill knowing that the game will be played on my own soil, in a familiar environment. I can't think of anything other than giving victory to the people on the soil of the country."


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