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WhatsApp is going to bring more benefits

Even if you want to make a voice call with the video turned off, that too can be done very easily, including video calling to exchange messages

The Dhaka Times Desk WhatsApp is going to bring a bunch of new benefits. Even if you want to make a voice call by turning off the video as well as making a video call to exchange messages, it can be done very easily from now on.

আরও একগুচ্ছ সুবিধা আনতে চলেছে হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ 1

WhatsApp is going to bring a bunch of new benefits. Even if you want to make a voice call by turning off the video, including making a video call to exchange messages, that can also be done very easily - WhatsApp is going to bring some facilities. It has been reported that WhatsApp users will save a lot of time as this option will be on.

For now, these features of WhatsApp are available in the experimental beta version of Android, but soon these features will be available on all Android phones. It has been reported that you have to log in to the Android beta to get this benefit.

Currently, if you want to make a voice call from a video call, you have to cut the previous call. Then you have to go to the chat and click on the voice call option, thereby wasting a lot of customer's time. WhatsApp is going to bring such facilities to save the customer's time.

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