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17 killed in school shooting in Florida, USA

Police arrested former student gunman Nikolas Cruz, who was expelled from the same school

Students are evacuated by police from Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018, after a shooter opened fire on the campus. (Mike Stocker/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP)

The Dhaka Times Desk It has been reported that 17 people were killed and many injured in the ambush of a gunman at a school in Florida, USA. The attack was carried out by a former student of the school. He was arrested by the police.

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ফ্লোরিডায় স্কুলে বন্দুকধারীর হামলায় নিহত ১৭ 1

A gunman ambushed a school in Florida, USA, killing 17 people. Besides, several people were also injured. It is said that the death toll may increase. This brutal incident happened around 2 pm local time on Wednesday (February 14).

Police arrested former student gunman Nikolas Cruz, who was expelled from the same school. He is being interrogated in police custody.

The shooting happened at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Students and teachers have been evacuated from the school. Till the latest news, the policemen are investigating whether there are any terrorists inside. Parents gathered around. But it has been asked to maintain a safe distance.

Police spokesman Scott Israel said the dead included school students and parents. Among them, 12 people died inside the school building, 2 outside, 1 on the street and 2 in the hospital.

Nicholas Baltzer, an 18-year-old student, said he was in trigonometry class when the incident began. This time the fire alarm rang 2 minutes before the school holiday. Hearing the fire alarm, the students started running here and there. He also said that he heard the sound of gunshots very close.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump tweeted his condolences to the families of the victims in this brutal incident. "My prayers and condolences go out to the families of the victims of the horrific Florida shooting," he tweeted. He expressed hope that no child, teacher or anyone else, would ever feel unsafe in an American school.

It is to be noted that this incident is one of the biggest among recent school shootings, which has spread fear among parents and students.

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