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Look at the dogs and anaconda trunks! [video]

This Anaconda is the name of one of the terrors of the Amazon jungle of South America

The Dhaka Times Desk Every now and then we come across some videos that are truly shocking to watch. One such video is the dog and anaconda video.

কুকুর ও অ্যানাকোন্ডার কাণ্ড দেখুন! [ভিডিও] 1

We all know that the Anaconda is the name of one of the terrors of the Amazon jungle of South America. Thanks to YouTube, many people know how large and fearsome this species of python can be. There are many stories about how fearsome this anaconda is, not only in size.

Recently, a video of Anaconda snake has gone viral on social media. In that video, a huge anaconda is holding a dog! The snake overcame the dog and went down to the river.

After that some people are trying to rescue the dog from the grip of the snake. After struggling for some time, the snake was lifted from the river. However, despite many efforts and force, it was becoming difficult to rescue the dog.

In such a situation, the snake was forced to release the dog with a stick. The affected dog is also seen standing up in the video. However, although the scene was shot along the Amazon River, no details were given about where exactly.

Watch the video

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