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Known-Unknown: Some unknown facts that need to be known

If all the gold lying at the bottom of the ocean is extracted and distributed among all the people of the world, then each person will get 20 kg of gold.

The Dhaka Times Desk Many events happen in our daily life which remain unknown to us, we are unaware of all the known and unknown information. Today there are some unknown facts that need to be known.

জানা-অজানা: কিছু অজানা তথ্য যা জানা দরকার 1

  • If you look at someone and silently say the word 'colorful', your face will look like you're saying 'I love you' to them!
  • When the married life is 50 years, the couple is given a presidential medal - in Poland!
  • Comparatively the strongest animal on earth is the ant which can carry 9 times its own weight.
  • If all the gold lying at the bottom of the ocean is extracted and distributed among all the people of the world, then each person will get 20 kg of gold.
  • The 4 kings of a box of cards symbolize the 4 famous kings of history. They are: King David, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Charlemagne.
  • In the Middle Ages, alchemists created a sensation with their unsuccessful attempts to transmute various metals into gold. Whether inspired by them is not known, but Sir Isaac Newton also spent time hoping to make gold.
  • Diet coke will float on top of water if poured into it. But regular Coca-Cola will mix with water if you pour it in water.
  • জানা-অজানা: কিছু অজানা তথ্য যা জানা দরকার 2

  • Singapore is called the Lion City. But in reality there is not a single lion in Singapore.
  • Bill Clinton himself sent only two e-mails during his 8 years of presidency.
  • Hitler's first love was a Jewish girl. But because of the lack of courage, Hitler could not tell the girl about his love! But this person killed many Jews in his later life.
  • Bill Gates changed the seating program code at his school to accommodate more girls.
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