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আসছে রুনা খানের নতুন চলচ্চিত্র ‘লীলা মন্থন’

দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ রুনা খান। বহুমাত্রিক চরিত্রে কাজ করে ইতিমধ্যেই নিজের অভিনয় দক্ষতা প্রমাণ করেছেন। শুধু তা-ই নয়, ওজন কমিয়ে গ্ল্যামার লুকে হাজির হয়ে রীতিমতো চমকে দিয়েছেন সবাইকে। ছোটপর্দার পাশাপাশি কাজ করছেন বড় পর্দাতেও। এবার নতুন…

Bubli's new film 'Pulsirat'!

The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Bubli is working non-stop. Sometimes OTT and sometimes big screen! Bubli's popularity is increasing as an actress after breaking the heroine image. Already announced the name of the new film. Bubli's new film 'Pulsirat'! To know more…

Adar Azad and Bobby's new movie

The Dhaka Times Desk Aadr Azad and Bobby's new film is coming. This film anthology film titled 'Jiwan Jua' in 3 stories is being produced by three filmmakers - Abul Khair Chand, Ashutosh Sujan and Iftekhar Mahmood Osin. To know more read details -

Anchal-Azad's new film 'Chitkar'

The Dhaka Times Desk The shooting of the new film 'Chitkar' has started with Mahrat in a shooting house in Uttara of the capital. Based on the story by Ahadur Rahman and directed by Yasir Arafat Jewel, the film stars AK Azad Adar and Aanchal. Read on to know more…

Jaya's New Movie 'Alatchakra'

The Dhaka Times Desk Jaya Ahsan is a popular actress of two Bengali. He has already been successful by acting in two Bengali films one after the other in Kolkata and Bangladesh. Jaya's new film is 'Alatchakra'. To know more read details -
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