The Dhaka Times
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Akshay is returning as 'Suryavanshi' in 'Singham Again'!

দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ মাত্র কদিন আগেই প্রকাশ্যে এসেছে বলিউডের পুলিশি অ্যাকশন সিনেমার অন্যতম প্রবর্তক পরিচালক রোহিত শেঠির পরবর্তী ছবি ‘সিংহাম এগেইন’এর দু’টি চরিত্রের লুক। যার একটি ছিল শক্তি শেঠি রূপে দীপিকা পাডুকোন ও অপরটি সিম্বা রূপে রণবীর…

Nachiketa will sing in Dhaka on Friday

The Dhaka Times Desk Kolkata's popular artist Nachiketa is coming to Dhaka next Friday (November 10). The main purpose of this event at the KIB Auditorium at Farmgate in the capital is to celebrate 30 years of artiste Nachiketa's musical career. To know more read details -

Nuhash's 'Pet Kata Sh' won London

The Dhaka Times Desk Nuhash Humayun's anthology series 'Pet Kata Sh' has been selected as the best international feature film at the Jury Awards of London's 'Raindance' film festival. The 31st edition of the festival started in London on 25 October. To know more read details -

Lemmis joined the song again

The Dhaka Times Desk Singer Lihat Lemis sang the title song of the movie 'Agni'. Then played back in several movies. He also sang in various mixed albums. However, he refrained from singing due to various reasons including marriage and child birth. Let's sing again...

Dighi is in Imran-Pooja song

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular musicians Imran Mahmudul and Bandhan Sarkar Pooja are appearing before the audience with a new duet after 5 years. The title of this song is 'Eye to eye'. Actress Dighi is accompanying this song. Read on to know more…
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