The Dhaka Times
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Yami is returning with a thriller

The Dhaka Times Desk Yami Gautam entered Bollywood in 2012 with Sujith Sarkar's 'Vicky Donor'. Before that, he has also worked in several serials on television. Also, Yami has been seen as the brand ambassador of several companies. Read on to know more…

Actress Tanya Rains is infected with dengue

The Dhaka Times Desk The incidence of dengue in the country is constantly increasing, day by day the number of dengue patients is increasing in the hospital. Popular small screen actress Tanya Barshi was infected with dengue. He himself told the media that. Read on to know more…

How does Deepika look?

দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ প্রভাস-দীপিকার ‘প্রজেক্ট কে’ নিয়ে ভক্তদের উত্তেজনা যেনো বেড়েই চলেছে। এর মধ্যে আবার প্রকাশ পেলো এই ছবিতে দীপিকার লুক। সামাজিক মাধ্যমে দীপিকার লুক নিয়ে চলছে নানা আলোচনা। আরও জানতে পড়ুন বিস্তারিত -

Mahfuz-Opi is coming to 'Dirshya' series

The Dhaka Times Desk Actor Mahfuz Ahmed returned to the big screen after 8 years with the movie 'Prahelika'. He has also received the love of the audience. He already said that he worked on the OTT platform for the first time. Opposite Opi Karim in a series called 'Drishya'…
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