The Dhaka Times
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Shoes will save you from corona infection!

The Dhaka Times Desk The economy of the whole world is affected by the deadly corona virus. How long is this possible? So many countries are lifting the lockdown to boost the economy. This time, corona infection resistant shoes are made! To know more read details -

Be stylish with shoes

The Dhaka Times Desk Winter is coming and this winter shoes want to be durable and beautiful. Winter really increases the attraction of all of us towards shoes. We pay special attention to shoes for warmth and shoes are of utmost importance when it comes to style. More…

Amazing use of old jeans pants

The Dhaka Times Desk Jeans pants are very popular wear nowadays. Being durable and fashionable, it is also popular in our country. Jeans pants are discarded after wearing them for a long time. You will be surprised to know that it does great things with…
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