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Neighbor wants to touch Neymar!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now a fan of Neymar has been found. Not even a fan of Teno. Celebrity fans! That's right. The popular singer of the current generation of Bangladesh is close to Neymar. He said, he wants to touch Neymar! Read on to know more…

Neymar's heartwarming video message

The Dhaka Times Desk I also had a dream to play in the final of the World Cup, to make the team champion. But I'm out of it now - these touching words were spoken by Neymar, the Brazilian superstar who unexpectedly dropped out of the World Cup. Read more...

Neymar's World Cup mission ends [Photos & Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Kandary Neymar of Brazil's World Cup mission was ruled out of the World Cup with a serious back injury due to a terrible foul by a Colombian player. FIFA has confirmed that Neymar will not be able to play any more matches after this World Cup. Details…
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