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Recipe: Yummy Savory Eggplant Bahar

We make many dishes with eggplant, today's recipe is delicious eggplant bahar made with eggplant

The Dhaka Times Desk Eggplant occupies a special place in our food list. Not just bharta, bhaji or jhol, main dishes can be made with brinjal. So let's see how to make delicious eggplant bahar.

রেসিপি: মুখরোচক মজাদার বেগুন বাহার 1


1- A large eggplant
2- One tomato
3- One cup of chopped onion
4- One tablespoon of ginger-garlic paste
5- Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder
6- Half a teaspoon of chili powder
7- Half a teaspoon of cumin powder
8- Half a teaspoon of coriander powder
9- Half a teaspoon of black cumin
10- Four green chilies
11- three dry chilies
12- Bay leaf one
13- One tablespoon of chopped coriander leaves
14- Salt to taste

How to make:

Cut eggplant and tomato lengthwise. Rub the eggplant pieces with a pinch of turmeric powder, chilli powder, coriander powder and salt. Heat oil in a pan and fry eggplant lightly. Now boil black cumin seeds, dry chillies and bay leaf in that oil. In between, fry the onions lightly browned. Then add ginger-garlic paste, coriander powder, turmeric powder, chilli powder, salt, bay leaves and a little water. Now stir fried brinjal and tomato and cover with a little water and cook for six to seven minutes. Then open the lid and add coriander leaves and cumin powder. Then take down and serve.

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