Categories: recipe

Recipe: Yummy Dessert Orange Latte

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know more or less about the benefits of vitamin C rich oranges. And today I have brought orange milk for you. Wondering whether oranges have milk again. Then know how to make orange milk.


1. Three large oranges
2. A liter of milk
3. Like the amount of sugar
4. Cashews, pistachios, almonds, raisins as desired
5. You can give orange flavor and color if you want

Preparation method:

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First, heat milk and sugar together. Fuel in such a way that the fuel does not burn or stick excessively. After burning it should be nice and smooth like cream. Then take it off the stove and let it cool. Then add orange flavor to it. If you want to add color, add color while still in the oven. Then carefully scoop out the insides of the oranges. Then mix the inside parts of lemon in milk. Then add raisins and chopped almonds on top of it. Then refrigerate for 30 minutes and serve this delicious orange dessert.

This post was last modified on June 12, 2023 1:46 pm

Shahriar Siam

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