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A couple is selling tea after leaving the engineering job of 15 lakh rupees!

Nitin Biyani and his wife Pooja were earlier software engineers in Pune, Maharashtra. Their monthly income was 15 lakh rupees

The Dhaka Times Desk A couple is selling tea after quitting their 15 lakh engineer job. Because of their love for tea and their eagerness to innovate, they are now tea sellers. The incident happened in Nagpur, India.

১৫ লাখ টাকার ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং চাকরি ছেড়ে চা বিক্রি করছেন এক দম্পতি! 1

According to Indian media, Nitin Biyani and his wife Pooja were previously software engineers in Pune, Maharashtra. Their monthly income was 15 lakh rupees.
Five months ago, he opened a tea shop called 'Cha Villa' in front of CA Road in Nagpur. This tea shop offers 15 different flavors of tea. Apart from this, they also sell various snacks.

Nitin, the owner of the shop, said that a tea lover can also order through WhatsApp and Zomato apps. Apart from this, daily delivery of tea is also given to various institutions, banks and hospitals.

Nitin said, 'We have recruited a lot of people and want to expand our reach. I have worked as a software engineer in a large company like International Business Machines (IBM) for the past 10 years. But my wife and I were very enthusiastic about doing something new. So I opened the tea shop. Now our monthly income is five lakhs.'

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