The Dhaka Times
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Moon not sighted today: Ramadan starts from Friday

Holy Shaba Kadar will be celebrated on the night of June 12

The Dhaka Times Desk No moon was seen anywhere in the country today. That is why Ramadan will start from Friday. This decision was announced after the meeting of the National Moon Sighting Committee.

আজ চাঁদ দেখা যায়নি: শুক্রবার থেকে রমজান শুরু 1

No moon was seen anywhere in the country today. That is why Ramadan will be celebrated from Friday. This decision was announced after the meeting of the National Moon Sighting Committee. A meeting of the National Moon Sighting Committee was held in the evening under the chairmanship of the Minister of Religion. In the meeting, since the moon was not seen in 64 districts, the holy Ramadan will start from next day (Friday). It was also informed that the holy Shabba Kadar will be celebrated on the night of June 12.

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